Sunday, November 24, 2013

The flight went well and John even went so far as to state that
it didn’t feel like we had been flying for 8 hours and I had to admit he was right.  If felt like going from Florida to California, which is still a long flight… We touched down 5 minutes early, but it was still pushing it to think that we would make the 
 3:50pm bus out of O’Hare to Michigan City, Indiana.  I went for finding the bus stop and going to make the driver wait while John got the bag, but it ended up that he made it to the stop with the bag before the bus got there.  John pointed out on the bus that we have gone from a trip that had 56 separate 
 components that had to meld together to work to only one connection left, meeting Paul in Michigan City.  I did point out that at least I hadn’t screwed up in hotel reservations this time, as long as I haven’t lost the keys to the house…

The weird thing is, I don’t feel that tired.  I know that it’s
 midnight in Europe and I should be exhausted, but I think my body considers any day without several hundred miles of walking a rest.  We put out watch back as soon as we got on the plane and have been trying to think in terms of Eastern Time Zone hours all day.  Of course, this could pose a problem when you land in Central Time Zone, but so far, we’ve made it to Indiana and we’re hitting that time zone line anytime now… it’s good to be home.  Just to add some drama, we’re trying to outrun the next winter storm, but since we at least made it out of Chicago before it hit, here’s hoping that things continue to go well.  Some extra pictures of our favorite things.

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