Sunday, May 11, 2014

Testing, Testing, Testing

So, the blog has a new look for a new big trip.  We are currently in the Detroit airport at the gate after taking forever in security because a fire alarm went off and no one could move in line.  That was fun and then my corkscrew got confiscated, because neither John nor I thought about going through the backpack to take out things that we have put in it in between plane trips.  Oh well, I’m sure that they’ll open the wine for us in Italy.  All of us students have made it to the gate and Rachel and John are handing out 
 syllabi and readings for us to go through on the plane flight.  I was supposed to bring a journal for writing in as we go along, but I have decided that I will keep it in my head and then type it up on the laptop when we get back to the hotels at night.  It was a good mother’s day even though mom had to spend it bringing us all of the airport, I’m sure that’s how she wanted to spend it though…Everyone seems eager to get going and excited about the trip, except for John and Rachel who looked a little sick when we first arrived.  But now that they are around students, they are in their element.  John has already been teasing us about reading and Rachel is already correcting his pronunciation of names in Italian, so everything is normal at this point.  Hopefully, this is current enough information for Britt’s high standards….

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