that I have to say did not do a thing for us because the place was a labyrinth full of niches, halls, and rooms full of the greatest artists. This museum was also great at creating an environment for the piece of art like the library that the
Rembrandt above was in. There was also an illuminated manuscript in the case like the Book of Kells in Ireland, a curved Madonna and Child made of ivory like in Pisa, and these combined with Monet's beautiful scene in Venice and the Van Gogh made John and I feel that we were reliving our Europe trip earlier this year. We started to run out of time quick and we were still not done with the first floor of we broke up
after taking this picture of Rachel and me in front of an O'Keefe that floored me. We both said her art had never really appealed to us, but seeing this huge canvas that Elizabeth Arden had commissioned for her spa, I think we were won over.
It was a good lesson for me in
having to be present in front of the original in order to appreciate the work of art. There was Tiffany stained glass, and a wealth of great artists that none of us expected to find on this trip. Needless to say, John's donation soon took on epic proportions because of the number of times that we were all of the adjectives listed above. If you want to be stunned into thinking about a trip to Indianapolis in order to see a collection that you don't expect to see outside of New York or Chicago in North America, then check out for the collections that this museum has. This was a real highlight to the trip and we will definitely have to return in order to see all the things that we missed. love to everyone, jo
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