I had 11 places to visit on my passport and have gotten in 10 in 4 days. I would have also gotten the Delaware Historical society if they hadn't been closed on a Sunday, but we started the morning with Mt. Cuba Center for the end of the Earth Perfect conference that Rachel and John were attending. They had tours going through the garden before lunch and we tried to be a part of it, but people who are seriously interested in plants and it is their life work take a long time to go through a garden. We went on ahead because we had to eventually make it back to the main house for a bathroom and
enjoyed this research and garden center. We got to put in our votes of favorite flowers that they were growing as ones that we would buy if given the chance. The most exciting part of the whole garden for me was the main house and the conservatory attached to it. I finally found the one that I want on my house and I just need the architect to design it for me...
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