The auto show is going on in Detroit and we’re going. John and Oscar are going with Rachel,
Paul and Dave, but I’m going to the DIA to have interrupted time with art. Everyone is going to the DIA tomorrow, but
Oscar has made it clear that he doesn’t like museums. Now, auto shows, I think he will really like
that. We
head out and have a great
brunch in Midland at Sherlene’s and in keeping with my new philosophy that
drinking early in the day is okay, I have a mimosa. This makes the fact that Oscar is a real bear
the rest of the way to Detroit almost bearable.
He will not nap and this is making John and I more and more anxious as
we get closer and closer to the city because all we can think is that he is
going to be cranky all evening long.
There comes a point when leaving him on the side of the road in Flint
becomes an option, but we pull
through and keep the kid that’s screaming and
yelling in the back seat. I tell John to
have fun as he drops me at the DIA and think that I have escaped hell. I get 4 plus hours to just wander around and
look at whatever I want to, linger wherever I want to, and fly through the
modern art section because John’s not around to want to see it. I notice things like how the Pannini’s of
Rome have exact matches of photos from my last trip to Rome and I want to see them
side by side in the travel blog. I get
to see how the light captures the Church painting so well that in the room with
Gentileschi and Caravaggio in it, I find myself staring across the vestibule
and hundreds of yards away at it…I can’t get into the Detroit Industry murals
because of a concert that is going on in
there, but I’m not that bothered by that because I found the little cafĂ© that is in the cloister section and am having a beer while I figure out what I’m going to do when the DIA closes and the others
who have the cars are not done at the auto show. I decide that I’m not going to bother them and browse the shop for some new books for Oscar since we didn’t bring any on this trip and then leave as they kick everyone out of the museum.
I’m fine with this even though I’m in downtown Detroit and it is getting dark quickly until I realize that I didn’t bring my coat either….Now, that was stupid even though it’s one of those thaw days we sometimes get here. So, walking around
the DIA repeatedly trying to
stay warm and the others are on their way, they were done at the auto show and
John sarcastically called me to make sure I was alright after finding out that
I was alone in downtown Detroit….cold, but the time at the museum was so worth
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