Sunday, February 16, 2014

University of Michigan does it again

I know that I said that I was going to add old things from Chicago
 and I will, but have to talk about the recent trip to Ann Arbor and seeing Billy Joel in concert.  We left early on Friday and went by the crazy store which was broken into last week apparently and everything good stolen out of it.  No, not really, well it was broken into, but we couldn’t tell if anything was taken, we just didn’t find great stuff today.  We did head over to the new gourmet market in 
Rodin's dancer studies
 downtown Mt. Pleasant.  This was a nice little surprise because they had some awesome blue cheese called Humboldt Fog, that made us feel like we were back in California.  Never had a good blue cheese from the US before, but leave it to the happy cows in California to do it.  They also had great olives and we just got our snacks for the trip from this place and decided to get to Ann Arbor to 
look hard to see the fresco
 go to the Museum of Archaeology to study their reproduction of the fresco Villa of the Mysteries for my research paper in my art history class.  Well, leave it the University of Michigan to screw me again, first a brain surgery that doesn’t fix anything and now they close this part of the museum without putting anything about it on their webpage.  Couldn’t believe it and left in high dudgeon.  Not
 only had we come early specifically for this and braved downtown Ann Arbor traffic to get there, but the people we asked and complained about them notifying visitors didn’t really care because they couldn’t look up from their cell phones.  Trying to drive and park on campus did make us appreciate living and working in Big Rapids.  I don’t want to be at a university that big, I’ve become way too used to small towns now and I want all these people to go away when we enter a place with more than 10,000 people.  We were able to go across the street and see the art museum since we had paid for parking at this point, which was a nice little diversion.  They had an exhibition about Shangri-La that had some beautiful works by a Hawaiian artist.  We got to see some of the greats and this was a nice visit that does bring me back to the Kelsey before they got on my shit list.  

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe the Villa of the Mysteries was in the dark! I hope we can go see the real thing soon.
